




@arkhaeology, what else am I supposed to think?!  You know it’s true!  You draw yourself as a specific animal, it’s your fursona.  I don’t make the rules!

I will fight you to the ends of the earth. Because where do we stop if it keeps going this way.

Spider-man, a furry. Anubis, yeah, definitely a furry. America itself has an eagle furry waiting to happen. Please, show some compassion.

I mean I thought these things were common knowledge.  While we’re at it, Batman’s a furry too.

Furries are everywhere…you can’t escape us.

Batman is a furry. Like, that’s not even deniable.

I can and I will. Stop acting the foundations of society with your depravity. I refuse to let this go any further.

Well at least we agree on one thing.

Look, you’re just gonna have to learn to accept your new furred, feathered, and scaled overlords.  Or just stop using animals as mascots and bases for superheroes and we won’t assume they’re furries.  Either of those will work.

It’s just the way life works. We are all basically furries in the end.