



never let anybody tell you that spite isn’t a motivator. i’ve gotten out of writer’s block and finished drabbles and shortfics because of spite. i’ve done swaths of fanart for whole fandoms out of sheer seething over a notp. i’ve gotten up and done laundry and all the dishes in the house because i saw some nasty ship art and needed to step away from the computer. misdirected fictional butthurt is a fossil fuel my friend and some days you gotta leave a carbon footprint

Spite has motivated many of my viewing and purchasing decisions after seeing the sort of people who didn’t like something. “Oh, hey, this has been roundly condemned by the sort of people who use SJW unironically, that seems like a good reason to buy this product and/or service”

It’s actually rarely steered me wrong. Like I probably would not have paid attention to Fury Road if it weren’t for all the folks going “This movie is a feminist plot!”

Spite got me my first publishing contract!

“Yesss, use your hate spite!” XD

@anyahatesbunnies 🙂