It’s a plastic tree, so no worries! No pine here at all. I think he likes it because it’s a lot like one of the cat toys they have…
Month: December 2015
Benji loves our new Christmas tree!
Theo has a cold and I’m not making much headway with this demon design. :/
I gave Salmon a 1.5 month break for NaNo (I still need to finish that, ack), and rereading the last couple of chapters I wrote is breaking my heart. It’s not bad to be emotionally compromised by your own writing, right? :D;;;
Poor guy…
You can actually see the mountains again! Sort of!
He fell asleep like that…
I ended up staying home with a fever, which is good (??) because I think I really needed the extra sleep. I miss work, though, which is such a strange feeling…
awake, but scared to look outside…
Also: STILL snowing.