Are you taking commissions? ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿

ALAS… no, I am not at the moment. I have a very long post here explaining why, but the “short version” is this:

  • I owe too many people art already 
  • I’m very behind on my personal projects (DANGEROUS CUTE!!!)

And… I can’t really work on either of those right now because I have lymphedema as a side effect of cancer treatments years ago, and have been unable to afford the stuff I need to manage it. Sitting at a desk to do digital art aggravates the condition and puts me more at risk for things like micro tears and blood clots, which could result in death. It’s also really painful, especially after I work an office job for 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, and usually have to stand for the 30min train ride home. 

But hopefully I will be able to afford treatments in the next couple of months, and that will enable me to get back to work on these things, get caught up, start preparing for conventions again, livestream sessions, etc. 

This is also why all of my art lately has been really crappy cell phone photos of sketches on paper… because I would have to sit at my desk to use my scanner. Whew. 

Thank you for asking, though! When/if I am open for commissions in the future, I will be sure to post here and let you know! 😀