
honestly i think the secret to staying happy in fandom is to take no shit, spread no shit, and find your people. don’t get too invested that you can’t laugh at it all sometimes, and don’t seek out negativity. the more you look for a pattern of ugliness in an assortment of people who all happen to like the same thing, the more you’ll find it. if you try to be positive, considerate, and empathetic, fandom will reflect that back at you.

Part of my new website will include an FAQ about me. Are there any questions that you have been dying to know? Reply to this post or send an ask – anon is okay! – and put ‘for FAQ’ unless you want me to answer them on the tumblr. 🙂

…I also bet that Hakuba was a little shit in school when he was young. Probably loved to say absurd things that shocked his classmates and got him in trouble with his teachers all the time. 

And then he’d go home and cry when he got yelled at.

I took a break from looking for the power cable to my external hard drive (where all of the commissions are stored) to draw this and actually scanned it for once. Amazing. (I need a new scanner.)

Hakuba! As a little kid. I like to imagine that he has always been one of those very sensitive individuals. Harsh comments really hit him hard, takes things way too personally, but he gets better at ignoring them as he gets older. Or, at the very least, gets better at hiding it. Gotta stay calm, cool, and professional at all times…