Heh. I hope you don’t have to go that far.

I won’t, don’t worry. It’s all just a joke. 😉 


 I’ve gone 18 years in the furry fandom and have turned many a commission offer for it. Which is strictly for personal comfort levels, not any sort of moral or quality judgment on adult artwork. I have many great friends who draw mature artwork and are quite good at it, and it in no way makes them less awesome people. 

But me, personally? Heck, I can’t even swear out loud in person much less discuss sexual topics with people in almost any given situation. It’s an intensely private thing. No, I’m not innocent or naive (I mean I’ve been married for 9 years!!!), just not open about that sort of thing with a general audience. 

Plus I intend to write/illustrate children’s books and I can just imagine young fans looking up said books/artwork and finding my other art and it’s gonna be bad enough that there’s so much anime, but if they found adult work, too??? I don’t want to be responsible for corrupting the youth! 

…or getting denied a job because of my social media content! 😀

Anyway, that is the story.