Black Cats


I wanted to share what I wrote for this morning’s word war (I won, btw):


Limerick gave me a pointed look.
I frowned. “What?”
“You’re doing it again.”
I looked at my hand. It was resting on the back of Limerick’s shoulders. “What, this?”
His yellow eyes narrowed to thin lines of gold in a sea of black. “What do you think?”
I petted him again, fingers dipping into the thick fur between his shoulder blades. “Cats usually like being petted, don’t they?”
“You have no idea about cats, do you?”
I actually didn’t know, since Mom never let me have a pet before, but shrugged. “You’re purring, anyway.”
He blinked, eyes going from gibbous to full moon in surprise. “I – what?” And then he stopped to listen to himself, and there it was: a deep, rumbling purr in his chest. Limerick’s eyes went half-moon and glared up at me. “Stop. Stop this at once.”
“You like it!” I stroked down the line of his spine. “Doesn’t your master ever pet you?”
“No, of course not. Have a sense of propriety; I’m a Familiar, not a normal house cat!”
“Sorry,” I said, but kept petting anyway. He didn’t move.
Soon, he settled into a loaf next to my leg, eyes completely closed.
“You’re a terrible person, Salmon Coal,” Limerick said.
“Yeah, I’m the worst.” I moved up to scratching behind his ears, then down to his neck, rubbing the loose skin over muscle.
“Ah, yes, scratch right at my neck there – thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”

This is a reminder that I have a writing blog – gabapplewrites – and occasionally post bits of prose on my current novel’s tumblr account, salmoncoal