





i have a friend who has been taking birth control since she was 12 because she’s anemic and if she didn’t take it she would bleed out excessively during her period and end up in the hospital

dont fucking tell me that birth control isn’t crucial to people

and I have a friend who wants to have sex but doesn’t want a baby.

don’t fucking tell me that birth control isn’t crucial to people.

i take birth control because it makes me not have periods and it makes me feel less dysphoric because im transgender

don’t fucking tell me that birth control isn’t crucial to people.

I take birth control to prevent my one and a bit remaining ovaries from growing any more large cysts that could result in the loss of my fertility and/or life

Don’t fucking tell me that birth control isn’t crucial to people

I take birth control to slow my endometriosis, trying to prolong the time to surgery number 3! for it. And not bleed for fucking 12 days of the month and miss school three days straight cause of laying in the floor fucking vomiting non stop. Birth control lets me have a job and a life.

Don’t fucking tell me that birth control isn’t crucial to people.

You know, I used to always be of the opinion that birth control shouldn’t be covered by public health insurance because it wasn’t a necessity.

Reading this, I’m thinking “Fucking hell! Never mind!” I genuinely wasn’t aware it was used for this kind of stuff.

Man, when I picked up birth control the other day from the pharmacy (which was prescribed to help tame the incredibly painful cysts as well as my crazy, out of control hormones that push the depression to suicidal levels) and it rang up as free instead of $50+ since I now have good insurance, I almost cried right there at the register.

For me, BC has nothing to do with preventing pregnancy since my body has done that well enough on its own. I actually want kids and can’t have them, but I take bc so I can function at all. 


Fandom’s favorite Bubblegum/Cotton Candy Bitch/Prince / Mr. Steal Your Girl / Kiss Me / Too Anime For This Anime. Kisumi is such a wild card due to him only showing up in one episode of the anime and is only ickle in High Speed!.

This is for gabapple! Her birthday was on Friday and I wanted to draw her SOMETHING. We’ve talked about RPing the entire cast and she has expressed the most interest in Kisumi and, well, my hand slipped.



But yes Kisumi <3 <3 <3 He is amazing and this drawing is amazing and you are getting HELLA good at watercolor what the heck, Krista! 

Also, get that paw away from your mouth!

I drew this for Clover because the Sonic I write is totally insane just fyi and it’s amazing that she puts up with him.


I put a pound of bacon into that giant soup pot, cooked it, and put a little on toast with mayo.

I missed cooking. :9~~~~

but now I have a giant soup pot full of bacon grease… n o

I put a pound of bacon into that giant soup pot, cooked it, and put a little on toast with mayo.

I missed cooking. :9~~~~