Reigisa Desert!AU with prince!Rin INCOMPLETE. Unfortunately ahaha I doubt I will pick this story up, it was mostly for practicing. I apologize for the sad ending this leaves because of that. A little warning too, this is encountering some dark themes, as you may figure since it’s “Roxanne”. Read with the lyrics~
So this guy hates EVERYONE… except for you. He’s a broody, arrogant misanthrope who just can’t stand people… except for you. You alone are the special, interesting, unique person worth his time, attention, and respect. Everyone else, as far as he’s concerned, is a tedious waste of time because they just don’t get it. They don’t get him!
Sure, his general misanthropy is kind of a character flaw, but it makes you feel sort of special that someone who hates everyone actually likes you. And maybe you can work on those rough edges! He’s nice to you, and that’s what matters, right?
Don’t buy into it, Jane Eyre. This kind of person may make you the exception for awhile, but why? Sure, you’re interesting and unique and you have a lot to offer, but so do some of the people he summarily dismisses. What’s the difference between you and them?
When someone is an asshole to literally everyone but you, he’s not an interesting, brooding soul. He’s an asshole. He wants something from you, so he’s willing to bend a little; he doesn’t think it’s worthwhile to show respect or courtesy to anyone he doesn’t want something from. And all that arrogance doesn’t mean he actually has anything to be arrogant about.
Don’t settle for someone with the personality of a rotten fish. You’re not being let into some exclusive club; you’ve just met an asshole who wants something from you. Pay attention to how a potential partner treats peoplehe doesn’t have to be nice to. It’s a pretty important clue to whether he’s fit company for human beings.
Whenever my parrot flips out and gets angry, I say, “Hey,” in this soft, comforting voice and then talk to him gently. He calms down within seconds.
I just got frustrated enough at something that I went, “ARGH.” My parrot said, “Hey,” all softly and sweetly like a dozen times over the next minute. It made me feel better instantly.
My parrot is better at conflict de-escalation than most people.
To anyone that hasn’t had their first kiss yet, or has never been asked out on a date, or asked anyone on a date, or hasn’t had a significant other yet: please don’t worry about reaching an age and not checking these things off. There’s nothing wrong with being 20 and not having been kissed. There’s nothing wrong with starting college never having had a boyfriend/girlfriend/romantic partner. You aren’t weird or an outcast because you haven’t been on a date by a socially constructed time frame.
This post is me acknowelging that some people go onto tumblr to escape the real world and to soothe themselves after stressful experiences, so if they block or ignore social justice and news stories so that their decompression isn’t interrupted with yet more stress, it is not only no one’s business but it makes perfect sense.