

Karlie Kloss Announces #KodeWithKarlie Scholarship So Teen Girls Can Learn To Code

Coding classes have made such an impact on Karlie Kloss’ life that now she wants teen girls to have the chance to take them, too. Thanks to her latest project, a handful of them will get that chance without worrying about the cost. For more on how to apply to Kloss’ scholarship go here. 


I can’t tell you how many firms I’ve been at where I’ve been the ONLY girl on the coding team. There are usually a couple more designers that are female, but most coders I’ve seen are male.

It’s a fun and lucrative job and there is absolutely no reason that it should be a male-dominated field. I mean, it’s… coding. Anyone can do that. 


My Garbage Cat Wakes Me Up At 3am Every Day is a simple, silly and fun game that sees you playing a mischievous cat, knocking things over and making a racket until your loving owner wakes up.

Sure cats can be as quiet as a mouse, but where’s the fun in that?  Your owner has been asleep for a whole three hours, it’s high time you woke him up!  Meow, knead and knock stuff over until he wakes up – he’ll probably be thankful for you getting him up so early!

With it’s fun premise and charming visuals, My Garbage Cat Wakes Me Up At 3am Every Day is a very short and pointless game that will make you smile.  Silly, dumb and adorable – much like a real cat!

Play the Full Game, Free

Mysterious Neighbors Upstairs



I just walked into the kitchen in the office to get a snack, picked up some yogurt, and was looking for a spoon when I heard a quiet scuffling noise coming from overhead and off to my right. At first I think there’s some little animal stuck in the ducts, and glance around to see if anyone else is there to also hear the mysterious noise. My lone co-worker across the kitchen doesn’t seem to hear anything.

And then I see it.

A paper coffee cup, in a holster made of rubber bands and paperclips, is slowly lowered from a 4″ hole in the concrete ceiling. I start laughing, and my co-worker comes over to see what’s going on. I reach up to catch the cup, call up that I have it and to hold position, and I notice something is inside the cup. My co-worker asks what’s in it.

I hold up a snack pack of Cheez-It crackers.

“We have to send something back!” I immediately blurt as I turn around and dig through the snack drawer behind me. I find a suitable exchange, and secure a pack of Swedish Fish in the cup.

“Okay!” I call. The cup ascends up through the concrete ceiling, hesitating only to align with the coaster-width hole in the concrete, and vanishes. A plastic cap is put back down in place. The hole is closed.

“Who was that?” My co-worker asks.

“I have no idea.” I answer.


this world we live in is a magical one