HAPPY CONAN SUNDAY (and also Doodlebug #4)

It’s only okay when Conan is cute, apparently. Not tiny Hakuba. 

Doodlebug #3 – Patrick’s Love Letters

It’s a lot harder to write them when you’re a frog, just fyi. This is Patrick from my 2nd novel, Spellbreaker, attempting to continue on his normal life despite having been cursed by a witch. Though, yeah, pretty sure he’s writing another love letter instead of working on that speech he’s supposed to give in a couple of weeks… oops.

Doodlebug July #2 (oops I am missing days)

Pushpin and Limerick from my Fishsticks book… though, technically, Pushpin doesn’t show up until book 2, which I haven’t written. He DID find a cookie in the window, though. Aaron suggests that children put it there, and since this is at the huge mansion/hotel, I… I could see that happening.

Also, drawing window blinds… .. .. not my strong point LOL 

Filling out the bio sheet for Hailey and had to write ‘Human/Ex-Mermaid’ down for her species. What is my life?


Doodlebug July #1 – Hootbot

Did any of you guys have one of these growing up? I did. Mine was missing its tail but holy crap I loved that little guy.

…so apparently, no one but my family knows what a Hootbot is. It’s a toy from the 80s.