state of the gab: february edition

important things:


  • the website ( is no longer broken
  • I’m finally working on the new design drafts for it so it’ll stop being ugly, too
  • oh and I have been gathering the like 30 strips I’ve drawn so I can scan and post them
  • also still intending to get the print book out some time…


  • believe it or not I have been working on them
  • woah



  • I am only signed up for one con this year so far what is up with that
  • it’s sabakon in vegas – you guys should come
  • maybe a break is good? I couldn’t get tables for the other ones I wanted to go to plus I am mega broke. 
  • I also need to make all-new stock


  • trying to remember how to draw for me
  • it is surprisingly difficult
  • good news for commissions, though, I guess?
  • I need a break… and to study. so frustrated with my current skill level.


  • still feeling depressed/moody/listless/unwanted/easily replaced/abandoned/trapped/etc (so much stress + poor + winter)
  • ongoing toothache… need to find a cheap dentist to get it pulled
  • hanging in there anyway, somehow