
1) Not really doing anything special that day. gabapple is the one known for throwing wild Conan parties (complete with curry and CloverKite’s Conan shaped cookies!) not me. 😀

2) Sure. You can find them on this topic at DCW: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/

3) Aoyama dying. That’s the only way I’d foresee the manga suddenly ending without a proper conclusion. In the case of the anime likely the anime would continue through the manga that was completed and reach a conclusion based on notes Aoyama left behind. Apparently he told Minami Takayama who Anokata is, after all. (I suppose Aoyama’s assistants technically could finish drawing the remainder of the manga in that case too…)


I need to throw another Conan Party soon… it’s been too long. ;-;