

In yet another shocking example of a corporate giant exploiting its workers, employees of a New York City Domino’s claim they were fired from their delivery jobs after complaining to management about unfair wages. According to CBS, Domino’s said the delivery drivers worked extended hours inside the restaurant, but still for less than minimum wage — and without tips. Following a meeting with management about the issue, 24 employees were terminated.  Currently, the employees receive $6.00 an hour plus tips just to scrape by. (more—->)

I WANT A FAVOR OF MY FOLLOWERS. please  If you have ever been glad I took the time to edit something or reblog something – please:

REBLOG THIS IF YOU WILL NOT BUY ONE MORE PIECE OF THEIR FUCKING PIZZA UNTIL THEY PAY MINIMUM WAGE.  Some of these people who are working at these shitty jobs are homeless, actually cannot afford rent and live in cars or on the couches of relatives or in alleys. This has to stop.  I want this reblogged until Domino’s is on it’s geasy-ass knees bowing to Tumblr. 

This is terrifying. Really terrifying. I mean, I work for a considerable amount more than minimum wage and I’m still struggling to survive. I’ve gotten the same kind of attitude from management about it (“you’re lucky to have a job at all in this economy”), and I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for them. 

That attitude is killing us all. We are dying not because we’re lazy, but because it is impossible to keep your head above water unless you’re already in a lifeboat, and no one’s willing to help.