







No seriously, just watch it, it’s great.

acually, we can’t lay on our stomachs because since there’s not as much fat and stuff covering that part that really hurts when you hit it and stuff, it hurts more

I so love this woman!

When the fiancee shows up XD

I love this. I love her.

But yeah, stomach sleeping is still a no-go even among the itty-bitty-titty committee.

Jesus christ, *massive* turn on right now.

Mentally being an 18-year-old boy is problematic when awesome things like this happen and I end up having to fight my own stupid urge to just respond “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS” and to use the correct brain to make a reasonable response instead.

Can I just talk about how much amazing this lady has going on? Smart, funny, canny, gorgeous accent….Also flatly gorgeous.

Ugh. So lovely.

Also, the roommates, both of whom are extremely well endowed, were just telling me all of this today! 🙂 The discussion was predicated by me engineering a fabric boob-and-arm sling for Shark to make slightly more comfortable the process of sitting up with her phone in seeing range to play Angry Birds. XD

And as lovely as she is physically, needing an apparatus just to play dumb phone games is, I think we can all agree, probably frustrating as hell.