I’m always all “awwww” during these moments when Conan offers his hat / glasses / anything to Haibara.

And then Haibara’s Sass.

re: My Imaginary

But where can I read this novel?

Well, here’s the thing… although the first draft is finished, it’s also a huge mess. I’ve been working on the outline for the next draft over the past couple of years, and although it’s progressing nicely, it’s still no where near readable. 🙂 

I mean, if you REALLY REALLY wanted to read the first draft I could send it, but…. I have been told by nearly everyone who’s read it that the ending is terrible. And that’s because I ran out of time. 8) 

But, as a consolation, here are the two covers I made for it:


This was the cover of the prints I made for my alpha readers!


And here’s the one I actually had printed, because I always get a vanity press copy made when I finish a first draft as a reward! Plus they’re only like $10 so why the heck not?

I will most likely start writing draft two in January of next year… this year I have to finish my first draft of Fishsticks and Coffee Mafia… yeah. Anyway… there you go. 🙂

Hi Katuro!

Lore is still around and well. Thanks for remembering him! He is one of my very favorite creations.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Lore, he’s my legit imaginary friend. Back in high school, when the panic attacks and self-destructive tendencies were going from bad to worse, he showed up in my sketchbook one day and from then on was sort of my conscience/guardian/voice in my head.

I may be crazy, but at least Lore is adorable… and, as he’s told me, a manifestation of my friends from all over the place. I was alone waaay too much of the time back then… and it helped me cope.

He’s also omnivorous and loves cat food. This, and many other interesting facts about Lore, are covered in the first novel I ever wrote – My Imaginary!



So many times Ran has had the upper hand. She could have made him say it before he went… Like it was going around before, I hope what we saw of London wasn’t it. There has to have been more to it. It had to have been better.

I mean, look at this version of Mouri Ran – she makes fun of him for always leaving her but she’s already accepted Shinichi wholeheartedly. There’s no wavering in her affections. Yes, at the end of this case she is horribly disappointed he stood her up, and she has every right to be, but later in the series her affection for Shinichi is tinged in doubt for him. That he doesn’t love her. That he’s with someone else. But Ran, from the beginning of the series, liked Shinichi before he told her anything. She believed in him even when he was giggling over all the letters he’d get from his fangirls. Why did Ran’s confidence have to be changed when it was a simple story of absence makes the heart grow fonder from Shinichi’s side? He was the more clueless one after all.

I’ve been arguing for the fact that more things went on in London that we didn’t see, but everyone tends to disagree. I dunno, I was kind of disappointed with the reveal (it sucked, let’s be real here, just like that case) and a part of me is just hoping that Aoyama didn’t leave us with such a lame ending like that. So I’m hoping for and expecting something more to be revealed when Ran is feeling awful in a flashback to remind her why she stays strong. Just a reminder that Ran is one of the best and strongest characters in this series. Anyone who disagrees or has an irrational hatred for her is something that I will never understand.

I think a lot of it has to do with the length and the close calls. All the times that she’s had to deal with just a phone call or a text from him, the less that she sees him, the more it starts to bother her. No matter how strong someone is, they will crack at some points, sometimes things will hurt more than they usually do. I feel like each and every time he’s done something to unintentionally hurt her it broke her just a little bit more and more. After awhile, “I’ve got a big case, I gotta run!!” just gets tiring to hear for her. And the more he realizes he’s hurting her, the more he realizes his feelings for her. I feel like her slowly hurting over his disappearing more and more is actually quite accurate, and makes some sense, even if in general doing it like this was a dumb move in the first place on Aoyama’s part. He really has done quite a number to Ran’s character.

I still think that he should have confessed his love for her far sooner. And not just some crap about the heart of the person one likes, just tell her that he loves her more than anything else in this world. I know he’s afraid of making her more worried, but FFS he’s made it to the point where telling her how he feels is what will soothe her and her heart the most. Knowing that no matter where he is, he still truly loves her. This is what we should have gotten. Want to not make her cry like you claim, Shinichi? Tell her the truth.

But, of course, no one ever accused Gosho Aoyama of being a good romance writer.

TOTALLY in the camp of more going on in London. After all, they disappeared for the whole evening and no one saw them until the next morning. Not that that happened, but I bet they talked at the very least, and finally spent some quality time together. Because srsly. 

We better find out what happened that evening. I have been dying to know since that chapter and scouring for any mention of London ever since.