At a workshop not too many years ago a newer writer began to condemn a best selling novel, pointing out all its flaws and jagged edges. I listened for a long time, nodding.

“All those things are true,” I said. And gave him the C.C. Finlay quote. “But until you learn what the good parts were that excited the reader, you’re always going to be bitterly upset about what is wrong with that bestseller. Learn to spot what worked in that book, and you’ll be able to move forward. And you’ll be a lot less upset all the time as well.”

Tobias Buckell on “The fate of today’s book bloggers”

The C.C. Finlay quote: “A novel doesn’t excite readers because you took all the bad stuff out of it, it excites them because of all the good stuff that’s in it, regardless of the bad.”

(via malindalo)

Would note that this is good advice for writers as well as critics/reviewers.  Noting what even a book you hated did well is a worthwhile exercise.

(via rosezemlya)

Going to try a thing


Someone mentioned on their tumblr that they were tired of seeing fanart from artists they like of stuff that they don’t like, and I doubt it was even about me but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since I saw it last night.  So I’mma try a thing.

If you wanna see the fanart, click through.


I guess this way I can write commentary. This was a teeny-tiny sketch, done to make CloverKite squeal. It worked, so I drew more. 


and then more


I had no reference to work from, but uhhh hopefully that’s okay. Here I depict some headcanon. The angsty backstory I wrote for Hakuba in the EPIC CONAN FANFIC gives him pale scars on his lower back. I ought to do some research about scars, though. 


Oh, yeah, I also gave him cigarettes, which he occasionally uses to de-stress. More headcanon, but it’s been fun to give him some conflicts and traits that he needs to work through besides the obvious… CK isn’t a fan of that part for personal reasons, so I drew him shirtless, smoking AND smiling for once…  Carpet says I was being cruel. 🙂


And another one… S’allgood, he gets over it.

…Ahem anyway! SO… .. what did you think of this system? Does it work for you? Is the commentary option appealing? I know that the images just displayed aren’t as nice as a photo set, but if I can potentially make my followers happier then it is worth it. 🙂


if we’re mutually following each other i’m going to go between two extremes:

  • replying to your text posts like we’re best friends when we’re not
  • acting like i don’t know you exist because i don’t want you to think i’m coming on too strong

both of these things mean i want to be your friend i am just socially awkward as hell



I think it would be awesome if like

I could be paid for RP…. and then I would just.. rp 24/7 and buy/eat amazing food and draw 

and then

life would be

p e r f e c t

you just need to be a published author, that’s being paid to rp! You can do it!

yes and no! because when I write for-reals I don’t let myself be super indulgent… and there’s not like… instant gratification and fangirling with my rp partners. 



I have often thought of writing as RPing with myself, which helps… and.. if I got published, maybe I could stay home and write AND RP

