
gabapple lite: It takes a lot of organizational skills to survive having ADHD






Seriously: I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and I’ve used at least four different life-organizing hacks to make sure it goes well just in the last few hours: setting alarms, checking…

Please PLEASE be patient with us mundanes who do NOT know how it is and when we’re surprised that someone as together as you are falls apart like that, please don’t snap and snarl. We DON’T understand, we really don’t. And we also deal with a hundred million worries and someone losing their crap at us as if we’re malevolently ignorant and mocking them does not make US feel any better.

For your sakes, for our sakes, even in your breakdown, let us just be there to comfort you. Even if we don’t understand why, we do understand what and we have also had breakdowns when we lose the battle in the war against life, the universe, and everything. ::hugs to all::

I hope I haven’t done that. ;_; I will do my best not to.