






That’s what depression feels like.

Oh god..

this is seriously the scariest thing i’ve seen on this website omfg

it scares me that i can feel this picture…

Depression, eating disorders, paranoia…all of it. This is how it feels.

Does anyone else notice the little trip when the third to last couple lights go out? I feel like she falls at the very end. That’s when you’re done. That’s when whatever dark hold you have swallows you whole. That’s when you can’t fight anymore because you don’t want to fight anymore simply because it takes too much effort to actually try to fight or better yet even want to try to fight. This is what it is, in a visual. That little trip? She stumbles. Fighting for recovery and then perhaps a small relapse. Whether it be a skipped meal, or a scratch on the skin, or a little puking, or anything in between. We all find that we can do it, stop whatever darkness, but sometimes it’s too powerful to get ahead of. Sometimes, it gets too difficult.

This is mental illness. Right here. All of it summed up.