
Some words to artists out there.

1) Tablet is just a tool, it’s not necessary for improving your art skill
2) Artists in real life doesn’t always use digital media. Some can still draw greatly even with just traditional art.
3) If you usually use pencil to draw, it’s better to not jump immediately to tablet. If you do it, it’s going to take longer time for you to get used to it.
4) You can still do digital art even without tablet. So don’t be discouraged when you want to draw digital art but you don’t have a tablet.
5) If the reason you want a tablet is to do digital painting, do traditional painting first. This is done in order to understand the basic of painting first before jumping to digital painting.

If you insist on buying tablet then it’s understandable, it is your decision. However, you need to consider these things first before buying it.

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submitted by –da-doodler

lol artists in real life. I see.

A tablet is just another tool. It’s just as valid and legit as any form of real media. Your tool is mostly a preference thing. A great artist can produce great things with whatever they’ve got… crayons etc, just as a good tool in the hands of someone who isn’t experienced… won’t instantly produce good art. 

I figure… use whatever you want to draw as long as it makes it easy for you to draw and draw a lot. That’s the only way you’ll get better. It’s got nothing to do with what you use, but how you use it. 

When I’m out and about, I draw with a ballpoint pen 99% of the time. At home, it’s digital sketching. But sometimes I like drawing in brush pen. Or mechanical pencil. 

blahblahblah anyway

Digital art IS real art. So is traditional. It’s all good and wonderful, just keep creating.

…maybe they meant “artists in real life” as in professionals in a given industry…? idk