






whatever you say

This is really accurate. I lean more to a cartoony/Disney look, yet it’s always labeled ‘Anime’. Pisses me off.

*reblogs this so hard*

My art teacher is always telling me this…

Draw anime anyways because fuck you that’s why

(people who tell me not to draw anime not anyone above shhh follow your dreams you will succeed one day)

A point I’d like to add – budding artists (of any age) get a lot of grief from people for drawing a “style” – “anime” being a culprit.

You know what you say when someone says “Stop drawing anime?”

You tell ‘em to fuck off, that’s what!

I hear this about tracing too. Even drawing from reference! Y’know what? If you want to trace something, you trace it. If you want to draw “Sailor Moons” (thank you grade 7 teacher) then you go draw all the Sailor Moons you want! Because, in five, ten, years from now (you’ll still be drawing then, right? Good!) you’ll expand your horizons, and you’ll start imitating their styles. Then, over time, you will start picking little bits and pieces of hundreds of different styles and mold them into your very own unique way of drawing. 

So go and draw anime until you’re bleeding from the ears. You’ll thank yourself for it!


is a proud heritage