
 ”Giants” by José Antonio Peñas:

“A selection of bigger beasts of all times. I compose 3d images with classic 2d drawing. You can see in ground, right to left, african elephant (currently, the bigger land beast) indricotherium (the bigger mammal of all times), TRex (one of biggest predators), Brachiosaurus (one of biggest dinosaurs) and human (the bigger stupid in earth). In top, blue whale (the bigger beast of all times) and quetzalcoatlus (the bigger flying)” 


MY GOSH I WOULD DIE I have this weird fear of anything bigger than about one foot long that lives in the water.

what am I doing looking at whales at midnight when I should be in bed not shivering in terror at my computer in the dark omg


This is why the ocean scares me so much its not the sharks, nor the giant fucking squid its just the vast emptiness   

pssst. there are whales underneath you. you don’t know where… they’re just… somewhere. watching you. *shudder*