





Okay, I’ve become rather irked by how much the boobs-n-butt pose is so harped on, as if it’s some hilarious, impossible thing. These were done on a whim, so I apologize for the small/crappy photos and sketchy outlines. Once I find my camera again, I’d like to take some shots that show the whole body and how this pose actually works.

These are all practical positions, and they were all relatively comfortable to do. Even though the boobs-n-butt pose looks a little funny, it’s entirely plausible and anatomically correct (although it can be taken too far). So, don’t be afraid to draw it. Hopefully these photos help a little with drawing such positions! 

Yes! thank you for doing this and proving that these poses are actually possible and they don’t break your spine like a lot of people say.

Interesting post.

I mean, go ahead and draw them if you want to contribute to the continued objectification of women as nothing better than sexual property. Continue to draw them if you want to toss logic out the window, because these poses are a) fucking ridiculous and b) have no basis in the reality of ass-kicking women. You know what the problem is? All of these poses prioritize displaying the body as a sexualized object, not as poses that allow for like, punching or kicking people — you know, things that superheroines do, and often.

OP missed the point so hard they might as well skyrocket into the sun.

Okay, yes, they are POSSIBLE, but these are NOT practical positions. What are you ever doing in everyday life that would have you twisting like that? You’re certainly not running, jumping, or fighting. And that’s the problem with this shit – it’s more important to show all of a woman’s sexual assets than show what she can actually DO with her body as a fucking superhero.

This girl is really cute, as are her poses and shorts. 😀

** Pro tip: these are POSES. That’s why these aren’t practical. Super heroes do pose, but not when they’re actively fighting evil!