Bridge troll. Just a quick sketch. Wish I had the patience to paint this. I want to write this novel for NaNo this november, though. <3 Have been thinking about it for the last 2-3 years. :3

Conan Sunday! I have… a lot of Conan drawings coming up, so trying to clear out the old ones. My favorite is the one with Ran. I’d love to do a painting of them one day. <3

The Heiji and Conan one is from the fan fic, though. rofl. Poor Conan. His leg has been broken for several chapters now.

I’m still sick, so here’s today’s comic instead of a sketch. I have like… a 4 foot stack of papers I need to scan for you people. =_= but nyquil comes first.

Conan and Kaito! I have a cold so you can deal with more Conan pictures. Doodled this today and slapped on some colors in photoshop or whatever. yaaayy ~ nyquil time

oh also, happy ¼/12 day. lol